This summer has been filled with many opportunities to hang out with family and friends. One way that I have found to instantly click with my relatives and friends (and have a fun time) has been to bust out a sharpie marker and give everyone fake mustaches.
What you need...
1) A finger (preferably the index finger)
2) a sharpie (or other marker that will not rub off easily)
3) A willing spirit to have fun (obvious and necessary)
The best part is when you pass it along for 1st time stache-ers (I just made that name up as you can probably figure out) and my cousin wasn't too pleased that I taught her daughter this little trick. Either way my family and friends have busted out the fake mustaches at pre-wedding activities, wedding activities and the family reunion and it has always been a hit. It makes any gathering into an event thus the 'Stache Bash.
So if you are still reading, which I am sure that you are, thanks for reading and I hope that you incorporate the 'stache bash into your next gathering.
OTS thoughts: So besides that fact that I love to have a good time with others, you might be wondering how I could tie this into OT. Well, as a future OT, I will be dealing with many diverse populations. OTs work with all ages, and races, and people from many different backgrounds. We work in schools, hospitals, and in the community (to name a few.) Now, will I be using the 'stache bash in the hospital, or in therapy... probably not...However, I believe as a practicing OT practitioner I must be innovative to keep therapy interesting as well as find ways to connect with my patients to make them feel at ease to regain their quality of life that they had before therapy. This idea is simple, it modifies the situation, and its brings everyone to instantly have something in common- a fake mustache (or a real mustache if they already have one).