Items Covered in lab: Ipad, headmouse, track ball, software, keyguards, specialized keyboards, ergonomic devices, short cuts and how to use them (ie on Microsoft Word or shortcut commands for your pc), and dynavox (or similar related communication devices).
Cost: $30 up to several thousand dollars. (This includes any software, peripheral devices, or other specialized equipment used.)
It was interesting that after having this lab, and typing up this blog the AOTA 1-minute update came into my inbox. (Again, if you aren't signed up to receive it, its worth the minute(s) of your life.)
Its headlining story was about how Ipads are making it easier for patients with disabilities, (ie spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy (etc)) to participate in reading books easier, changing the channels on the tv, and communicating with simple commands than had been previously used. There are pros and cons to any situation as well as the legalities behind creating new apps, but as a future therapist the Ipad and technology are making huge strides in the therapy and rehabilitation field. I posted a 2 minute video (below) from CBS Miami news. If you are interested in reading the story- (click onthe CBS Miami news hyperlink). Very cool stuff.
In the lab we were shown how to use the software, hardware, and peripherals and we had to think about how they could be applied in the lab and to patients with different diagnoses'. It was fun and interesting to learn the technologies and wrap our brain's around how they could be used.
**NOTE: I do not endorse any of the titles or brands above. I highly encourage to research each of them and learn more about them and how they can be used in a therapy setting. This is a point of reference blog of what we covered in our lab.
OTS Thoughts: Technology is booming. As if we haven't learned that fact. In our lifetime we have had from the birth of the internet (for some of the readership) to the birth of the ipod/ipad. In the economic situation that we are in, the use of technology is a huge step for us in the therapy field and rehabilitating patients to their prior level of function or to get them back to doing the things they love. I am excited to be coming into the field and the possibilities of the newer technology helping out our patients.
YOUR INPUT: Let me know what you think of the Ipad and the apps, will it delete the need for other devices or drive competitors to decrease prices dramatically? Will the field work the apps into evidence based practice? Will it drive companies like dynavox or other specialized companies out of the therapy realm? Post your thoughts/questions/discussion and see ya next week. Thanks for reading!