Sunday, November 13, 2011


SO even though the jury is out on recycling and the cost/benefit of it all. I believe in it and I try to make an effort to recycle. We are lucky in Olathe to have our own Recycling garbage can and on Rockhurst's campus there is a Glass recycling depository. I am working on converting my wife to be more conscious of recycling, but it does take some work. There is a recycling club on campus that has posted 'fun facts' around campus. Here are some similar facts on a website about recycling borrowed from this website:


  • It takes approximately 1 million years for a glass bottle to break down in a landfill.
  • In the U.S. today, 34% of all glass containers are recycled.
  • Most bottles and jars contain at least 25% recycled glass.
  • Glass never wears out - it can be recycled forever.
  • Recycling glass saves 25-32% of the energy used to make glass.
  • Glass containers save 9 gallons of fuel (oil) for every ton of glass recycled.
Like I said the jury is out, when you have different types of glass, different metals, and other things that go with glassware, its hard to justify taking the time and energy to recycle. Either way, our garbage is piling up and hopefully there are smarter people than myself working on making the process work better. I hope you are doing what you can to help the process out. Thanks for reading.

OTS thoughts: OT is not about me, I must prepare myself to be an educated therapist and continue to sharpen my practice through continuing education and reading through the most current research. I am the only the medium or means to offer therapy to my patients. I must be on my 'A' game and know my stuff, or talk to others to get the right answers to be the best therapist I can be. This is similar to other world problems, like recycling. There are educated people working on this problem right now. They are educated and working to lessen a potential problem that we have overlooked and might be a larger problem in the future. I hope to study up more on major world problems (like recycling) when my school load is lessened, until then I am still hitting the books. Also, until I hear of different ideas on recycling I will continue to do my best to help the future generations and I hope you do as well.

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