SO even though the jury is out on recycling and the cost/benefit of it all. I believe in it and I try to make an effort to recycle. We are lucky in Olathe to have our own Recycling garbage can and on Rockhurst's campus there is a Glass recycling depository. I am working on converting my wife to be more conscious of recycling, but it does take some work. There is a recycling club on campus that has posted 'fun facts' around campus. Here are some similar facts on a website about recycling borrowed from this website:
- It takes approximately 1 million years for a glass bottle to break down in a landfill.
- In the U.S. today, 34% of all glass containers are recycled.
- Most bottles and jars contain at least 25% recycled glass.
- Glass never wears out - it can be recycled forever.
- Recycling glass saves 25-32% of the energy used to make glass.
- Glass containers save 9 gallons of fuel (oil) for every ton of glass recycled.
OTS thoughts: OT is not about me, I must prepare myself to be an educated therapist and continue to sharpen my practice through continuing education and reading through the most current research. I am the only the medium or means to offer therapy to my patients. I must be on my 'A' game and know my stuff, or talk to others to get the right answers to be the best therapist I can be. This is similar to other world problems, like recycling. There are educated people working on this problem right now. They are educated and working to lessen a potential problem that we have overlooked and might be a larger problem in the future. I hope to study up more on major world problems (like recycling) when my school load is lessened, until then I am still hitting the books. Also, until I hear of different ideas on recycling I will continue to do my best to help the future generations and I hope you do as well.
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