Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Last Fieldwork Level I

SO its hump day of the work week.  I am learning quite a bit from the Daniel Carney Rehab Engineering Center.  The site is very cool and so is the staff, I will take some pics tomorrow and hopefully post them.   Over the past 3 days I have been doing wheelchair evals and seeing all different types of people with different diagnoses.  From Cerebral Palsy to Muscular Dystrophy and complications with scoliosis to a patient with a trach and an NG tube.  Each day I have followed a different OT, but the experience has been very rewarding so far and I feel as though I have learned a lot.

The other thing I wanted to blog about was that I PASSED my semester with a 'B' average- the finals were difficult as expected, but we got our grades back and I am excited to see the good news. I have studied long and hard to get the grades and to get into the field and the light at the end of the tunnel is starting to show.  Check back soon to get a follow up on my level 1 site- thanks for reading.


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